European Version ZN900C BlockMachine Support For India Tata Grou

Recently, our ZN900C old client Marudhar Group whichis located in Pink City Jaipur shared us great news that their pavers has been approved by top three group in India TATA for specially supplying towards TATA’s river rejuvenation government project.

Rapid urbanization in the last 3~4 decades coupledwith rampant encroachments in the Jaipur river area and its catchment areas along with the dumping of sewage, industrial waste water and solid waste converted this once pristine flowing river to dirty and smelly area. It is reported that this project will oversee the amortization of 170 MLD polluted water.

“QGM & ZENITH European version ZN900C machine is specially designed for pavers production. It is equipped with unique pneumatic scraper which helps clean pavers surface and make it very smooth. The top & bottom vibration system ensures high density of pavers. The Germany designed static and dynamic vibration table which is SIEMEN frequency converting controlled vibration system brings us high strength pavers. Those are main reason makes us get approved by TATA group among many competitors. Besides, now we are establishing new simple steam curing system for inside curing, this willgreatly help improve our product quality.” said by Mr. Sandeep, the director ofMarudhar Group.

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